Programming and other useless stuff: Working on the game rules.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Working on the game rules.


first of all I would like to say thank you to those who contacted me and send me kind words for my yesterday down. I had a talk with the "three remaining" and I'm happy that they are able to come to my wedding. This gave me enough motivation to work on the game rules and specially on the character values and the character skills.

To not overwelm you with too much text, I'll split the cake in half and will post the character value description today. Tomorrow I'll post the skill list :)

Here we go:

Character Values

Character values represent the character with his strengths and weaknesses. During the game, the player will be able to add gained char value points to the different values to improve the characters. It might be possible that some values can be altered through objects which are used by the characters. Character value modifiers are then added.

This is the mapping and definition of the character values:

  • Measures how strong a character is.
  • Character can lift weight 2x his strength.
  • Determines punching score.
  • Percent chance to breakdown a door.
  • On character creation: Helps to determine Health.


  • Measures the character's coordination.
  • Indicates accuracy at punching and shooting. (Basic percent chance)
  • Basic percent chance to do unusual things such as walking on ledge or leaping a fence.
  • On character creation: Helps to determine Health.


  • Measures the character's alertness to things that are concealed, unusual or out of place.
  • Used to determine surprise at start of fight.
  • Character's percent chance to notice hidden objects and clues.


  • Measures how easily the character can influence other people.
  • Represents: personal charm, looks, presuasiveness, how tough the character is.
  • Helps influence NPCs, get answers from prisoners and suspects.


  • Measures how lucky a character is.
  • Percent chance to perform uncertain actions and escape certain death.


  • Injury is measured in points.
  • Health represent the hitpoints and this represent the total number of injury points.
  • Used to determine knock out or death.
  • Calculation: Health = (Strength+Agility)/10 + 5
  • Is calculated when Strength or Agility are altered.

Punch points:

  • Represents the number of injury points when opponent is hit.
  • Calculation: PP = (Strength/20)+1
  • Calculated when Strength is altered.

That's it for today. Have fun,



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