Programming and other useless stuff: Return to work...

Monday, September 01, 2008

Return to work...

Today I visited one of my clients to talk about the next programming stuff to do for him. Nothing really spectacular. But this is the next stepstone in the business application we're creating. It's always good to make step forward and see that things work out well as expected and planned.

This evening I spent some time working on SSCXML. I had a user remarking that any expression using & or > or <>= or <= is no valid XML code. Instead when using a normal notepad, one has to put in "& a m p;" (please read it condensed) to express valid xml code.

Now this would be tedious to edit and the user suggested not to stick to C/C++ coding style here and use statements such as "and", "or", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge" and "eq". I added this to SSCXML tonight and my first tests ran fine. Now, I still have to trigger this a little bit since my current check is not independent of the cap. "and" will be recognized, "AND" or "And" will not... so I want to sort this problem out first before working on any additional stuff.

Talking about additional stuff for SSCXML: I'm thinking of enhancing the engine a little bit by allowing delegators or registering of class functions for executable functions in the scxml code. I still have to think about this, but it will definitely go into SSCML.

Have fun,

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