Programming and other useless stuff

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'ld like to thank TheFlyingDutchman, ukdm and benryves for checking my websites and pinging them. I spent another half day yesterday searching for the source of the problem and... I finally found it.

For the history: Until now I've been on a shared host with all my sites. Since I had some serious problems using any script which wanted to use more than 8mb of memory, and because in a far, far future, I might be tempted to install a server software of my prohibition project on a server, I decided to go for a virtual private server.

When registering for the VPS, the provider asked (in an online form) about the nameserver names to use, which I provided. After the setup of the server, the provider told me about the IPs and all other information including the nameserver names I initially gave. I logged into the server container software (Parallels) and saw that the nameservers where mentioned there.

So, I started switching my stuff to the new server. which is my company domain switched with no glitches. I entered the nameserver at godaddy as being hosts of and entered the names into the NS field of my sidema domain...

I did this with two of my other domains... which made all the problems I described in my previous journal entry: Some could reach them, others couldn't... I definitely could not.

After the tests of TheFlyingDutchman, ukdm and benryves I had a talk with a friend of mine who pointed me to the problem that the nameservers themself did not show up as expected. He used a tool called "dig".

So I "digged" up (HA! Nice joke) "dig" for Windows and played around with it. And we finally found the solution: In fact, the hosts had not been created on the VPS. Although they were mentioned by Parallels, the domain "" didn't have the nameserver entries. After adding two entries to the DNS management and waiting some minutes, everything went fine.

Lesson learned: Always add two "A" lines to your DNS management for the nameservers.

Tools used: Dig

Thanks for helping,

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